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Pea, Bee, & Jay Stuck Together -- A Graphic Novel and some Pi Fun
It's almost Pi Day. That take place on 3/14. Pi is all about circles so I chose this book with Pea, because he's round and well, you...

Arlo & Pips King of the Birds -- Graphic Novel Fun
Title: Arlo & Pips: King of the Birds Author/Illustrator: Elise Gravel Publisher: Harper Alley, 2020 For ages: 4 - 10 Themes: Crows,...

Find Fergus -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
I've missed you. I have so many wonderful picture books and graphic novels to share, but I also needed to work on my own projects. You...

Squirrel Appreciation Day: A Comic, a Graphic Novel, and Some Fun
Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day! We have several feeders in our yard. They attract many squirrels. I often see at least eleven squirrels...

When I Draw a Panda -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
I love Amy's art. I have looked at the images so many times. Her ability to create simplicity, detail, and emotions is wonderful.

Counting Birds -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
Counting Birds is part call to action, part biography, and part nature exploration. It shows how taking a small step can lead to big things

Winter Solstice -- Story, Nature Activity, and Puppets
Many years ago, a friend told this story at a storytelling group I belonged to. It's a story that stuck with me through the years. The...

Just Like Me — Perfect Picture Book Friday
Title: Just Like Me Author/Illustrator: Vanessa Brantley-Newton Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf, 2020 Themes: Poetry, Girl-power Ages 4 and up...

Rot The Bravest in the World -- PPBF
Title: Rot The Bravest in the World! Author/Illustrator: Ben Clanton Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2020 Ages 4 - 8 Themes:...

Dozens of Doughnuts -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
Title: Dozens of Doughnuts Author: Carrie Finison Illustrator: Brianne Farley Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2020 Synopsis: "A generous...

Giving Thanks: Perfect Picture Book Friday
Title: Giving Thanks: A Native American Good Morning Message Author: Chief Jake Swamp Illustrator: Erwin Printup, Jr. Publisher: Lee and...

We Are Water Protectors -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
This post was originally posted on my Blogger blog. It is up for the the 2020 Outstanding Picture Books GoodReads Choice Award. It is...

It's Halloweensie Time
Susanna Hill's 10th Annual Halloweensie contest is here! Participants have about two weeks to create a 100 word or less story. In the...

Noodlephant -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
A friend of mine made an illustration of a child leaving the voting booth with a parent. It flashed into my mind that it would be...

Indigenous People's Day -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
Monday is Indigenous People's Day. I wanted to re-share a couple posts as well a a new one. Something I have learned over the years is...

Bob -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
Title: Bob Author/Illustrator: Tracy Campbell Pearson Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux, 2002 When Henrietta cat tells Bob the rooster that...

Fall Frenzy Writing Contest
I love Fall. The trees changing and showing off their true colors, the cool air, the crunch of the leaves under my shoes on walks. I must...

Birdy's Smile Book -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
Title: Birdy's Smile Book Author/Illustrator: Laurie Keller Publisher: Henry Holt and Company, 2010 Synopsis: Birdy and her dog tell you...

My Awesome Summer -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
Title: My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis Author and illustrator: Paul Meisel Publisher: Holiday House, 2017 P. Mantis tells about his life...

Gurple and Preen -- Perfect Picture Book Friday
Title: Gurple and Preen: A Broken Crayon Cosmic Adventure Author: Linda Sue Park Illustrator: Debbie Ridpath Ohi Publisher: Simon &...
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