Title: Birdy's Smile Book
Author/Illustrator: Laurie Keller
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company, 2010
Birdy and her dog tell you all about the importance and benefits of smiling.
Opening lines: Hi! I'm Birdy and this is my dog, French Fry.
And This is my Smile.
Why I love this book:
When I was growing up, smiley faces were a big thing (The first emojis) . I loved them, I remember making a smiley face pillow in girl scouts and even dressing up as a smiley face for Halloween. So, this book swoops up and gives me a great big smile.
As silly and fun as this book is, I also think it's so important right now. There is so much going on that we can frown about, but when we smile, we feel better and we we spread happiness.
Laurie Keller is great at humor and creates jokes that will make any kid, dad and grandma laugh. Her books are like a journal where you make notes and sketches of funny things then she ties it all together with a story.
If you're having a bad day, this book will turn your frown upside down. If you're having a good day, this book will make your smile even bigger.
Laurie's art is playful and bright. Simple designs that can be used to create your own happy characters.
Resources and Activities:
Sing a song:
I've got something in my pocket.
It belongs across my face.
I keep it very close to me
in a most convenient place.
I'm sure you couldn't guess it
if you guessed a long long while.
So I'll take it out and put it on
It's a great big Happy smile.
Slightly modified from the Brownie Smile we learned in girl scouts
Share a smile.
Leave a smile for someone to find.

Tell a joke or two or three.
Make a Smiley Face Pillow..
Make a Smiley Face Costume for Halloween. Mine was pretty simple, I had smiley faces on my cheeks, smiley face patches on the knees of my jeans and then a big Smiley Face made with Yellow Poster Board One in front and one in back the hung over my shoulders and covered my front.
Have a great day! I hope your endorphins are singing and laughing.

If you enjoyed this Perfect Picture Book Friday Post you can find more at Susanna Hill's Blog
I haven't seen this book! Love that perfect name for a dog, French Fry. I, too, enjoy her art and sense of humor. I've used The Scrambled States of America as a mentor text for a current ensemble cast humorous picture book. We'll see if I ever get it to the point of being ready for submission! Thanks for featuring this book. I'll see if my library has it.