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National Regular Average Ordinary Day -- Perfect Picture Book Friday

Book cover art for National Regular Average Ordinary Day

Title: National Regular Average Ordinary Day

Author: Lisa Katzenberger

Illustrator: Barbara Bakos

Publisher: Penguin Workshop, 2020

Ages: 3 - 7

Themes: Boredom, National Holidays, Imagination, Creativity

Opening Lines: Peter did not like being bored. It was the complete and total, worst! Hanging out with his neighbor Devin was usually pretty fun. But lately it seemed like they had been playing the same games over and over.

Peter makes a plan to always have fun by celebrating a different holiday every day until, the day there is no holiday. What is Peter going to do?

Why I think you will Love this book:

It's about play, it has lots of National holidays, and when there isn't a holiday to celebrate, Peter comes up with his own.

These days it's pretty easy to feel bored and feel like you are doing the same thing day after day. I know I feel that way lately. But, I also know it takes just a little change in perspective and a smidgen of imagination to make boredom go away.

Whether it's participating in a fun holiday (Did you know the whole Month of July is National Ice Cream Month?) or celebrating play with a regular average ordinary day, there is no reason to be bored ever.

I am a big fan of National Squirrel Appreciation Day and Talk like a Pirate Day.

Resources and Activities:

You can find out which holidays are happening everyday.

Check out the Activity Kit on Lisa's website.

Find a box. See what you can create with it.

Play hopscotch, ride your bike, Play Zoom Bingo with friends.

Have a snack: Since it's National Hot Fudge Sundae Day, maybe make a sundae. Or have a little bowl of some regular average ordinary potato chips.

Follow Barbara Bakos on Instragram or Twitter

Lisa lives in Chicago and she's a graduate of NIU. I am so excited for this book and being able to support her writing journey. I remember a few years ago when she was testing out her story and the holiday idea on the writing challenge forum of 12 x 12 Challenge. Hard work and writing pay off for the writer and the reader.

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Here's hoping your regular average ordinary day is filled with fun and play.


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